Sunday, September 29, 2013

Checking Out a Book at the Library: Waseda University

My university at home has a total of 2,800 students while Waseda University has 44,756 undergraduates alone. So it's interesting for me to get the feel of a large school. Now thankfully my classes aren't big at all (they range from 6 people in my Japanese class to 50 people in my Japanese Art class) but when you go to the schools main library (1 of their 27 libraries), you realize how big the school really is. 

This is actually the Okuma Auditorium.

For my History in Modern Japan class I needed to check out my textbook from the library. I thought it would be like walking into the Furman library where everyone is socializing and it's not difficult to find a book. Not at Waseda. First you have to show your ID and swipe into the library and it is dead silent! There are around seven floors (that could be an over exaggeration), including two basements, and once I figured out that my book was in the basement, I was shocked by the library policies. I had to put all my belongings into a locker and receive a special badge to wear saying that I was allowed to be on that particular floor. The basement was huge and would make an excellent set for a horror film. Finally, with some assistance, I found my book but wow it was a process.  

I was also shocked that although it was the first day of class there were already students passed out in the library chairs and at their tables. They looked like they had been studying for hours. It'll be interesting to see how a Japanese university compares academically to an American university.   

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